The purpose of the speech was to provide figures on the importance of firewood in the national energy matrix, focusing on the current trends in the market for this solid biofuel and highlighting the issues that should be considered in the bill.
This bill, promoted by the Chilean Deputy Harry Jürgensen, intends to declare firewood and its derivates as solid fuels and establish their regulation. The proposal is made up of 11 articles that define the necessary conditions firewood traded in the country should comply with, among them:
- For firewood that comes from native forests, traders must comply with the Chilean Law on Native Forest Recovery and Forestry Development (In Spanish: Ley de Recuperación del Bosque Nativo y Fomento Forestal).
- Firewood must have a maximum moisture content of 25% on a dry basis.
- Firewood must indicate the species to which wood belongs to.
- Firewood producers and/or traders must be certified by public and/or private institutions to ensure compliance with these requirements.
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