Energy Efficiency

Recognition of firewood as fuel: the key for its sustainable use

Mr. Fernando Raga Castellanos, executive director at the Instituto Forestal (INFOR), shared his opinion on the importance of the bill that regulates firewood and solid biofuels in Chile, which is currently being discussed in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies. “A two-meters-high and a one-meter-thick solid wall that would go around the Earth 24 times could be built with the firewood used every year for worldwide energy. In the Chilean case, the annual consumption of firewood corresponds to 12 million solid cubic meters. This would allow to build a similar wall, 40% longer than the entire national territory”, Mr. Raga claimed. “INFOR welcomes the discussion of this bill, since it is very important to make progress in the regulation of the quality of firewood and solid biofuels in general, so as to promote their sustainable use”, he added.

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